Fueling Start-ups and Businesses Through Digitilization

It is a digital world out there. The market has adopted the mantra “what the consumer can see is what the seller can sell.” Earlier there were not many sellers in the market so the competition was substantially low; however, with technological advancements, awareness and other factors, competition has risen to another level. You might have a million-dollar idea with you but if it is not born the right way in this cut-throat competitive world, then not having a successful profit run will be the least of your worries. The wrongly executed idea might make you lose all your investment money resulting in causing you a financial distress. It might seem preposterous but it does hold truth in this viciously fast-paced and well-connected world. To carve out a niche for yourself here, having an astounding idea is not enough, you need to ensure that the audience is aware about your brand and your product is launched in the market with a great bang! Any brand or rational business owner should indulge in a marketing strategy so compelling and ferocious that the customer is made aware about your product/service even when he/she is not trying to find something similar. That is how you sell products and services in modern times. Not only the start-ups but an established business should consider growth opportunities and reimagine their current business processes for better performance through digital platforms and functions. A mere survival strategy is not enough for the survival of businesses in these tough times. You need to go all out with your innovations and efforts and create a strong presence in all kinds of platform for your business to have a long and healthy run. So, the question arises how can you achieve that? How can you develop the most effective soundproof marketing strategy for your business that can withstand the future complexities and uncertainties? The answer to your query is hiring a digital marketing agency providing you start-up advisory services through digital methods. A digital marketing agency has the right skills, knowledge, talent pool and accessibility with them which gives you the appropriate resources to develop your marketing strategy. Digital marketing will provide you strategies for brand awareness and generate leads for any start-up business since that is the most important factor for start-ups and in case of a preexisting business, digital marketing strategies provide you solutions and better performance for it to reach and engage a much larger audience.

Some of the digital marketing strategies for start-ups as well as pre-existing businesses are: –

  • Content generation

Generating quality content has never been more important than now. Your content is the reflection of you and your business. It is the replica of what you are and what you believe in. Consequently, it becomes imperative for the business to create content that the consumers and readers can relate with. The content marketing for the businesses should be so powerful that the consumer can get all his/her questions answered through your content. It creates a transparency between the consumer and the business and hence the business can maintain a relationship with the consumer. A quality content has the potential to boost the business sales by a large margin if delivered correctly.

  • Social media engagement/marketing

The presence and power of social media platform is undeniable. More than half of the world is connected and interacting on social media platforms, so with current situation it becomes pivotal for the business to not just show up on these platforms but excel as well. According to recent studies a grand total of 3.96 billion users are currently using the internet services which get increased by 10.6% every year. Social media platforms generally include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Social media engagement generally refers to creating and posting regular content on these platforms to connect with audience, starting polls and quizzes for the customers to answer their queries, indulging in visual content more than theory content, etc. With the recent studies, 73% marketeers have had a successful business run using social media marketing and engagement, so it is high time for the start-ups and businesses that have not been a social media user to rethink about their decision. An effective social media marketing consultant will build a customer persona first, further start developing a social media strategy for your business.

  • Personalized Email marketing

One of the oldest yet effective digital marketing strategies is email marketing. Personalized email marketing has shown the results that speak for itself. However, with technology and consumer behavior changes in the last few years, email marketing works best if it is done in personalized manner. Recent studies shows that emails with personalized subject lines are more likely to be opened by a percentage of 26%. In a recent survey conducted by Demand Metric and the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), it was witnessed that email marketing showed an impressive ROI of 122%.

  • Web/mobile app optimization

Development of websites and mobile applications that is the face of your brand and business when interacting online is crucial for business. The website and mobile applications should be developed so that the customers can see your brand’s presence somewhere. A virtual presence ensures trust development among consumers and potential customers landing on these web pages and applications. Hence, it should portray brand’s values and beliefs and its working.

  • Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is the new almighty tool of digital marketing. Like you there are thousands of other websites in your niche alone so how are users going to land up on your page and not on of those thousands? Well, the answer is hidden in the term search engine optimization. While providing content for your business, the creator must include commonly searched and used keywords in this content, this is done so that when any random consumer searches services and products relevant to your business, your website is visible to them among the top brands and companies. This increases the chances of consumer landing on your webpage and further getting converted into potential lead. Hence search engine optimization plays a decisive role in digital marketing.

  • Sales lead generation

All your efforts are a waste of money, time and resource if the visitors for your business are not converted into leads and customers. The only reason any business owner introduces new business ideas is to have customer engage in their products. So, it goes without saying how pivotal it is for business to interact and perform all those functions that will ensure that visitors are converted into customers for the business. There are B2b lead generation companies for this very purpose, they have a responsibility and skills to conduct functions to convert visitors into buyers for the business.

  • Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is similar to influential marketing. It involves bringing in affiliates to draw leads for your brands. They are similar to salesperson who work on commission basis. They share the links that you provide them with their social circle who in turn can use those links and land up on your website and become a potential buyer for your brand. In affiliate marketing, you sit back and let others do the marketing function for your business.

Findurspace, a marketing consultant network and a digital marketing agency, is just the right platform for you to invest in to bring down your start-up business in this market platform or if you have an established business which hasn’t received its due acknowledgement and engagement from the customers. We have a team of proficient market experts who understands the markets and possible changes in it and also your business and its needs. With an in-depth analysis of both the factors they come up with the most effective and appropriate customed solution and strategies for your business. We at Findurspace provides you with following services to ensure that your start-up and business receive their due engagement and is in demand among consumers for their respective products: –

  • Sales lead generation services: – We Generates qualified B2B leads through digital marketing methods like sponsored ads at Google, LinkedIn, FB, Instagram and several other ways
  • Social media service: – we ensure increased Visibility of website on social media sites. We make sure Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & other popular social media channel knows your website
  • Web development services: – We design a perfectly functional, robust, Scalable, responsive and custom web & app design & development helping clients automating work process & enhancing customer experience Our application development services include technology consultation, development, testing, support and maintenance.
  • Start-up advisory services: – we prepare Go-to-market strategies including BD, Sales & marketing plan development Compliances, Pitch deck, Capital raise support, Interim executive management, office infrastructure and exit plan, Market research & competition benchmarking, Business model, financial planning and valuation exercise under start-up advisory services.
  • Product launch services: – we develop gtm strategies, launch promotion for your product after conducting customer analysis and further govern performance tracking for the strategies.
  • Go to market strategies: – we prepare comprehensive product launch execution strategies.
  • Pricing strategies: – FUS ensures that the right pricing strategy aligns with your business goals, are to maximize profitability, ensure your business’ longevity, and correspondently grow your customer base. We conduct pricing research analysis, strategies and governance for those strategies
  • Market research and benchmarking: – we conduct in depth market opportunity identification, competition tracking, customer and trade research, measurement of reach across social media platforms to provide you solutions according these surveys and researches.


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